More action on phthalates needed

CHEM Trust discusses adverse health effects of phthalates exposure, calls for further restrictions especially in food contact materials

EC launches circular plastics alliance

EU Commission launches Circular Plastics Alliance to support EU plastics strategy; industry stakeholders to cover entire plastics value chain

Global strategy on plastic pollution

United Nation Environmental Assembly (UNEA) discusses marine plastic litter and microplastics; over 90 international organizations endorse strategy to fight plastic pollution

Industry report on circular plastics technology

Industry associations publish report summarizing technical solutions supporting EU plastics strategy

Responsibility of (bio)plastics industry

13th annual European Bioplastics conference discusses impacts of plastics pollution, elements of EU circular economy package, food contact regulations, bioplastics market development, life cycle assessment, new building blocks

New PET recycling technology for bottled water

Plastic bottle manufacturers face rising pressure to reduce waste and increase recycled content in PET bottles; new technology aspires to meet demand

EFSA phthalates working group: 4th meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on phthalates reassesses safety of DBP, BBP, DEHP, DINP and DIDP for food contact plastics; updated meeting minutes now available online

EU plastics industry holds event on circular economy

Various plastic industry associations and initiatives jointly hosted first annual event to report and discuss their progress in circular practices with different stakeholders

Restriction of 6 PFASs progresses

ECHA’s risk assessment and socio-economic committees agree with restriction proposal for 6 per- and polyfluorinated substances; CLP classifications adopted for four other FCM-relevant substances

EFSA FCM working group: 2nd meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on food contact materials holds 2nd meeting; minutes now available online