Walmart to reduce plastic packaging waste

Retailer announces new commitments to reduce plastic waste; targets private brand packaging improvements including improved recyclability, increased recycled content, eliminating PVC

Quantis launches “Plastic Leak Project”

Consulting firm Quantis announces start of project to develop methodology to assess plastic leakage; aims to support companies in minimizing plastic pollution along their value chains

Plastic packaging in circular economy

Article in Food Safety Magazine reviews circular economy challenges related to plastic packaging, summarizes government and industry statements and perspectives

Plastic additives inventory published

ECHA and Cefic publish inventory of additives added to plastics in EU; identify 419 high volume substances with various functions

UK to “overhaul” its waste system

UK government announces plans to make major changes to waste system; considers introducing extended producer responsibility, plastic tax, defined materials for recycling, deposit return scheme

Report on plastic and health

Center for International Environmental Law publishes report about plastic risks across each stage of lifecycle, calls for lifecycle approach during decision making and for a variety of solutions and options

New sleeves to help PET recycling

Industry association endorsed for standardized sleeves on PET bottles, new solution aims to improve sleeve removal before recycling

National Geographic’s packaging challenge

“Ocean Plastic Innovation Challenge” to reward innovations in food packaging, focus on using easily recycled materials without additives; submissions due June 2019

“Future Food Initiative” launched

Swiss companies partner with local universities on research program aimed to provide affordable nutrition, accelerate healthy foods, search for sustainable packaging

OECD webinar on plastics

Webinar focused on improving plastics recycling rates, avoiding environmental impacts; built on earlier OECD report