Recyclability evaluation protocol for HDPE

Protocol describes laboratory methods needed for determining recyclability of high density polyethylene (HDPE)

UNWRAPPED Conference on food packaging

Conference brings together 120 international scientists, advocates, progressive industry, and communicators; discussions focus on sharing knowledge and experience, providing an overview of the latest science regarding food packaging and human health

Indian officials to review plastic FCMs

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India to lead committee reviewing latest national food packaging and labeling regulations, focus on open concerns regarding plastic food contact materials and lack of testing protocols

Recycling of flexible polyethylene

Plastics Recyclers Europe publishes paper identifying key barriers to increasing recycling of flexible polyethylene films, calls for harmonized collection and sorting as well as design for recycling guidelines

Canada to ban single-use plastics

Development of action plan announced for Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste; ban to focus on reducing plastic pollution, aims to begin by 2021 but details still to be finalized

Vermont and California legislation on single-use packaging

Bills in both states aim to curb the use of single-use packaging and products; Vermont bans polystyrene packaging, plastic bags, straws; California to reduce waste from single-use packaging and products by 75%, require recyclability or compostability

Global Food Contact conference updates

Smithers Pira conference covers global developments in food contact regulations and materials; focus on NIAS testing, non-harmonized EU materials, regulatory changes in Asia

Fiber tray to replace black plastic

Supermarket chain Waitrose & Partners introduces fiber based packaging for ready-made meals; tray is microwave and oven safe, recyclable in paper stream, compostable at home

EU Council adopts single-use plastic bans

European Council formally adopts new rules on single-use plastics and recycling targets; directive completes final step before becoming law; England to ban plastic straws, stirrers, and cotton buds from April 2020

Plastics and climate change

CIEL report highlights plastics’ contribution to climate change, urges global ban on single-use plastics