SEA of Solutions Week and Plasticity Conference

UN Environment hosts first annual conference week focusing on plastic pollution on November 11-15, 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand; themed days to focus on different discussion topics; event aims to become key exchange platform on the issue

Recycling ocean bound HDPE for food contact

U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues letter of non-objection to Envision Plastics for use of recycled high density polyethylene waste plastic collected from rivers in food contact articles

OECD to develop sustainable plastics criteria

Report to be published by end of 2020 will offer tools to help compare sustainability trade-offs, discourage use of hazardous chemicals; OECD has multiple other plastics-related projects currently underway

Basel Convention’s “Partnership on Plastic Waste”

International convention announces multi-stakeholder partnership to prevent and improve management of plastic waste, particularly for single-use plastics; focuses on better design of plastics to increase durability, re-usability, avoid hazardous substances

EU authorizes new substance in plastic FCMs

European Commission amends EU 10/2011 regulation on plastic food contact materials, authorizes use of poly((R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-(R)-3-hydroxyhexanoate) for contact with dry or solid foods

Japan notifies WTO of positive list

Ministry notifies World Trade Organization of planned positive list system for food-contact plastics; separate lists for base polymer plastics, coatings, minor monomers; notification open for comments until October 8, 2019; system enters into force June 2020

Aquafina, Dasani water in aluminum cans

Beverage manufacturers PepsiCo and Coca-Cola both plan to release their flagship water brands in new packaging, including aluminum cans and bottles; new packaging to be rolled out in the U.S. through 2020

Mercosur positive list for FCM plastic additives

Latin American trade bloc publishes resolution defining additives allowed in food contact material plastics and polymeric coatings; aligns with EU regulations, defines specific migration limits, usage restrictions

Plastic Health Summit conference

Conference on October 3, 2019, in Amsterdam to focus on reviewing current scientific research in micro- and nanoplastics, plastic additives, and health; registration and program available online

Huffington Post article on plastics and health

Article discusses hazardous chemicals in plastic packaging, highlights unknowns regarding health impacts, complexity of the issue