France’s single-use plastic ban scrutinized

French National Assembly votes to ban all single-use plastics by 2040; seen as ‘far too late’ by many environmental advocates, criticized as being not ambitious enough

Belgian plastics industry in the circular economy

Results from study find 54% increase in recycling of plastics in Belgium since 2006; identify that recycled plastics not fully used in new products; report provides tables and figures with mass flows of plastic waste sources and treatments

SVI annual conference 2020

Swiss Packaging Institute (SVI) to hold annual event on January 14, 2020; presentations will focus on packaging in the circular economy with a focus on plastic and paperboard packaging; registration open until December 15

Report envisions smart supermarkets with less packaging

Greenpeace publishes report presenting alternative technologies and approaches to remove single-use packaging from grocery stores; presents example case studies applicable to fresh foods, personal products, take-away, checkout, and online shopping

‘Plastic Atlas’ report available in English

Report by Heinrich Böll Stiftung provides data and figures on global plastic production and uses, advocates for using this information to catalyze a change of course; report originally published June 2019 in German

U.S. draft regulations take aim at packaging waste

Two draft bills from U.S. House representatives and senators focus on better managing packaging material waste and reducing marine pollution; current version of Senate bill introduces return deposit scheme, extended producer responsibility, bans

Beverage and recycling companies pledge increased packaging collection

American Beverage Association launches initiative to bring $400 million in investment to improve recycled plastics quality and availability in U.S.; Tomra aims to enable 40% of global plastic packaging to be recycled by 2030

FPF Workshop 2019: Perspectives on innovations

Innovations improving the safety of food contact articles discussed during afternoon session; panel with guests from academia, non-profit organizations, start-ups and industry

Report for policymakers on reusable solutions

Rethink Plastic Alliance publishes report aimed to inform policy makers at national level on effective implementation of reuse systems to eliminate single-use plastic pollution, implement EU directive

Global Commitment and Brand Audit reports 2019

New Plastics Economy progress report applauds steps taken by signatories, highlights reductions in virgin plastic use by corporations, new policies introduced by governments; reminds readers much still to be done by 2025; Break Free From Plastic publishes 2019 Brand Audit Report, calls on top brands to reduce single-use plastic items