New study highlights limits of personal choices aimed at reducing EDC exposure, contradicts previous research

Neither expert recommendations nor dietary intervention led to significant reduction in food-packaging derived EDC body burden, reports new US study. Regulatory action is called for to ensure food safety.

New study: Chronic diseases caused by chemical exposures in great-grandmothers

Epigenetic mechanisms thought to be responsible for health effects in rat offspring after great-grandmothers were exposed to a chemical mixture during pregnancy

Controversy about the safety of plastic food contact materials

A recently published review article by Korean researchers sparks a scientific debate on the safety of plastic food contact materials containing hormone active substances.

Ingestion of phthalates may also be linked to asthma

Irrespective of the route of exposure, a high body burden of phthalates was found to be associated with asthma in Norwegian children

German television channel finds diethylhexyl phthalate in food

A sampling of different food stuffs by a northern German broadcast finds the phthalate diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) in packed cheese, butter and cream.

Analysis of food-packaging migrants: Review of the state-of-the-art

A scientific review article published in the peer-reviewed journal Trends in Analytical Chemistry describes recent advances in the analysis of food packaging migrants.

New research on migration of phthalates into foods

A newly published article identifies PET dishes used to package heated meals as source of two phthalates, while the same meals packaged in aluminum trays did not show elevated levels. All meals contained both phthalates prior to packaging. 

Phthalates found to trigger early menopause

Study associates phthalates with 2 year earlier onset of menopause

DEMOCOPHES: environmental contaminant burden in mothers and children in Berne, Switzerland

The Federal Office for Public Health in Switzerland (BAG) states that environmental contaminant burden of substances such as phthalates and cadmium found are not at levels that would pose a risk to public health.

Human biomonitoring data from Europe to be released

The European Consortium for Human Biomonitoring COPHES will release human biomonitoring data from Europe in October 2012