ECHA subcommittee to discuss FCM substances

ECHA Committee for Risk Assessment meets to review new dossiers received under REACH

Japan may introduce monomer and additive positive list

Researcher of Japanese National Institute of Health Sciences presents possible regulatory steps at conference

New standard test method to identify plasticizers

ASTM International publishes method to ensure compliance with US phthalate migration standard

New technology to screen for phthalates in food samples

World Intellectual Property Organization publishes new patent

Denmark postpones ban of phthalates until 2015, industry agrees to support EU wide ban

Danish Minister of the Environment publishes press release on phthalate ban

High blood pressure linked to dietary phthalate exposure in children

New scientific study finds association between exposure to DEHP and risk factor for cardiovascular disease in children

New study: Recycled PET a source of DEHP

Hungarian researchers present new data on phthalate migration from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottles into drinking water

Opinion: EPA should not be kept from ruling on BPA and other chemicals of concern

U.S. EPA proposal aiming to prioritize chemicals of concern has been stalled by the U.S. White House Office of Management and Budget since 2010

Limited use of phthalates in medicines, no risks from parabens

European Medicines Agency publishes draft guideline on the use of phthalates and parabens

Food main source of phthalate exposure

German institutions investigate DEHP exposure sources