ECHA consultation on phthalate applications

ECHA opens consultation on DBP and DEHP applications; applications include food contact materials; applicants consider alternatives to phthalates economically and technically unfeasible

Combined phthalate exposure may exceed regulatory limit

New Danish study on exposure to phthalate mixtures, combined exposure in young men may occasionally exceed safe limit

Study ignores other risk factors for preterm births

ACC responds to study linking phthalate exposure to preterm births, criticizes exclusion of other risk factors and limited sample size

Phthalates linked to preterm births

New study finds significant association between phthalate exposure and premature births, France Agence-Presse recommends pregnant women to avoid phthalate exposure

Opinion: Plastics are not the culprit of reduced fecundity

Forbes publishes an op-ed article on BPA, phthalates and reduced fecundity; journalist opposes sensationalist media hype and points to weaknesses of new epidemiological study

FCM substances ubiquitous in pubertal girls

Agence France-Presse reports on investigation of environmental causes of breast cancer; phthalates, BPA and pesticides found in all girls participating in study

Maine, U.S. concerned over phthalates

U.S. NGO concerned over risk arising from phthalate exposure in East Coast community, 25 citizens to be biomonitored

NGO lists dirty dozen of EDCs

Environmental Working Group publishes list of worst endocrine disruptors, recommendation on how to avoid them

Forbes: FCMs linked to fecundity problems, new safety laws to come?

Forbes reports on two studies linking BPA and plasticizers to reproductive problems, low dose testing may eventually modify safety tests and laws

FMCs linked to problems in conception and pregnancy

New studies presented at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine annual meeting: BPA linked to miscarriages, phthalates to lower male fecundity