Coop Denmark to remove many chemicals of concern

Retailer Coop Denmark phases out 12 substances or groups of chemicals of concern from its own-brand products by the end of 2017

Exposure to phthalates from fast food

People eating fast food have higher urinary phthalate levels, U.S. study finds; association most pronounced among non-hispanic black consumers, suggesting environmental injustice

Vitamin D levels affected by BPA and phthalates

Scientists find exposure to bisphenol A and phthalates associated with decrease in vitamin D levels; women affected more than men; implications for public health may concern bone and muscle health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer

Alternative plasticizer approved by EPA

Non-ortho-phthalate plasticizer listed as Safer Choice chemical, approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency

Summary on estrogenic chemicals and reproductive health

PLOS Biology article highlights reproductive health impacts of estrogenic chemicals such as bisphenol A, its analogues, and phthalates

Phthalates petition: Call for comments extended

Comments to FDA petition on the use of ortho-phthalates as indirect food additives can be submitted until September 19, 2016

Phthalates and cardiovascular disease

Review article summarizes evidence on phthalates’ effects on reproductive and cardiovascular systems; association with increased cardiovascular risk possible

Searching for safer plasticizers

Scientists evaluate a panel of novel plasticizers for in vitro effects on testicular function; propose alternatives to phthalates

Scientific consensus on environmental neurotoxins

Project TENDR consensus statement calls for action against environmental chemicals affecting children’s brains and contributing to disorders such as autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities

EFSA: Plastic pollution in food

EFSA’s CONTAM Panel issues scientific statement on microplastics and nanoplastics in seafood; considers consumers’ exposure to plastic additives and contaminants low and unlikely to be harmful