Hazardous chemicals in different materials

Swedish Chemicals Agency to map hazardous substances in rubber, silicone, paper and board, targeting chemicals of concern not yet regulated in the EU

Chicago taxes paper and plastic bags

City of Chicago introduced tax on paper and plastic checkout bags in February 2017; tax collections and research show shoppers are using less bags, indicating behavioral change

Information about PAAs in printing inks

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) answers frequently asked questions about printing inks and primary aromatic amines in FCMs, recommends setting lowered migration limits for carcinogenic PAAs

International food contact compliance conference

Italian Institute of Packaging holds 4th International Conference on Food Contact Compliance on September 20-22, 2017 in Baveno, Italy; program and registration now online

Paper cups difficult to recycle

Waterproofing chemicals in paper cups prevent re-pulping in commercial mills and thus impede recycling, according to new industry study

In vitro testing of paper and board FCMs

Scientists test paper and board FCMs in 8 in vitro bioassays; all 20 samples showed positive responses in at least one of the assays; chemicals in paper and board FCMs require further investigation to ensure safety

ANSES opinion: Mineral oils in paper and board FCMs

French food safety agency recommends reducing consumer exposure to mineral oils; suggests using MOAH-free printing inks, glues, additives, processing aids in paper and board food packaging but also printed media entering the recycling stream; proposes use of functional barriers

Chemicals in coatings of coffee to go cups

German TV program investigates composition of plastic inner coatings of coffee to go cups; finds samples to contain diisodecyl phthalate and long-chain hydrocarbons

BPA and analogues in paper and board

Scientists measure BPA and its analogues BPAF, BPB, BPE, BPF, BPS in virgin and recycled paper/board products; detect all but BPAF and BPB; BPA and BPS highest in recycled products, BPF and BPE content comparable

Tenax film for migration experiments

Scientists develop Tenax film as a more convenient alternative to Tenax powder to be used as dry foods simulant in migration experiments; migration into film is lower than into powder, offers more realistic estimation of migration into food