New market research on single-use plastics

Financial institution Citi publishes report on risks and opportunities in single-use plastics, discusses alternative materials metal, glass, paper

Activated carbon to reduce migration from paperboard

Scientists investigate efficacy of activated carbon added to recycled paperboard for reducing chemical migration into food

EFSA: 6th FIP network meeting on FCMs

EFSA’s Food Ingredients and Packaging Scientific Network held 6th meeting on food contact materials on July 10-11, 2018, discussed ongoing activities, printing inks, paper and board FCMs

Prioritization of NIAS for risk assessment

Scientists propose strategy to prioritize non-intentionally added substances detected by non-targeted screening in paperboard FCMs for risk assessment based on exposure estimates and in silico predictions of toxicity

Video of FPF Webinar on food packaging in the circular economy

Food Packaging Forum held webinar on its new study on the chemical safety of food packaging materials in the circular economy, June 26, 2018; video recording and presentation slides now available

FPF Webinar: Food packaging in the circular economy

Food Packaging Forum presents its new study on the chemical safety of food packaging materials in the circular economy in webinar on June 26, 2018; registration now open

Where do collected recyclables go?

New York Times addresses China’s ban on waste imports, illustrates impacts on recycling programs in the U.S. and globally

Food packaging in the circular economy

New FPF scientific publication summarizes safety aspects of commonly used food packaging types after recycling, shows typical chemical contaminants, discusses further measures for safe food packaging in the circular economy

Recyclable coffee to go cups

UK company develops coffee to go cup made from recycled paperboard and one-piece plastic inner liner, claims cups are recyclable in ‘standard recycling facilities’

Chemicals of concern in Swiss food packaging

Swiss national tv channel reports on study by Swiss authorities that revealed elevated levels of mineral oils, plasticizers, photoinitiators, chlorinated substances in sampled paper and board food packaging