Protypes of paper beer bottles presented

Community of brands developing paper-based bottles; aims to create 100% bio-based, recyclable paper bottle without use of polymers

Danish testing of printed paper packaging

Danish Consumer Council tests for UV filters and primary aromatic amines (PAAs) in colorful paper food contact articles, finds PAAs above recommended levels

Recycling challenges for McDonald’s paper straws

Restaurant chain working with waste management providers in the UK and Ireland to improve recycling of its paper straws; paper thickness initially causing recycling complications, straws being treated temporarily with general waste until solution found

Contamination found in paper straws

Swiss government laboratory tests paper drinking straws purchased from grocery stores and restaurants; finds chloropropanols, mineral oils, photoinitiators

CEPI call for EU paper and board FCM measures

Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) sees potential disadvantage for paper and board food contact materials (FCMs) from lack of harmonized legislation, calls for EU institutions to prioritize material type for legislation development

Call for EU rules on paper packaging

European study finds paper packaging can release primary aromatic amines, UV filters; European consumer organization BEUC calls for ‘strict’ EU-wide laws to ensure safety of food contact paper and board

McDonald’s to trial new packaging

Two Canadian concept restaurant locations to trial new packaging including fully re-pulpable cups, fiber lids, wooden cutlery, paper straws; items could be rolled out widely in the future

CPI health, safety, and industry conference

Confederation of Paper Industries hosts conference on July 9, 2019, with sessions focused on food contact materials, recyclability, extended producer responsibility

Global Food Contact conference updates

Smithers Pira conference covers global developments in food contact regulations and materials; focus on NIAS testing, non-harmonized EU materials, regulatory changes in Asia

Fiber tray to replace black plastic

Supermarket chain Waitrose & Partners introduces fiber based packaging for ready-made meals; tray is microwave and oven safe, recyclable in paper stream, compostable at home