Rethinking safe levels

Scientific review shows that some chemicals are proportionately more toxic at lower exposure levels; “dose makes poison” principle indicates that current risk assessment approaches underestimate chemical toxicity

Evidence on BPA’s ubiquity and low-dose effects

New study reviews and substantiates ubiquitous occurrence of bisphenol A in the environment and adverse health effects from low-dose exposures to it

Extranuclear actions of EDCs at low doses

Scientists review molecular mechanisms underlying low-dose actions of estrogenic EDCs, focusing on extranuclear signaling; BPA effects in pancreas and heart mediated through alpha, beta, and membrane-associated forms of estrogen receptor

Are ‘safe levels’ safe?

Article questions effectiveness of current chemical risk assessment in protecting public health; explains non-monotonic dose response and why it should be considered in assessing chemicals’ toxicity

EFSA: Non-monotonic dose response update

EFSA-commissioned review of non-monotonic dose response (NMDR) studies published; four substances relevant to food safety identified with potential for NMDR effects

Manmade vs. natural estrogens

Article in Nature Reviews highlights different effect potential of manmade vs. natural estrogens in the case of soy and bisphenol A in a study with women undergoing in vitro fertilization

Opinions: Toxic chemicals in everyday products

Article in New York Times outlines the issue of exposure to toxic chemicals from common products and the consequences for human health

2nd Scientific Statement on EDCs released

Endocrine Society summarizes EDC research of the past six years and links EDC exposure to various health problems

Endocrine Society: 2nd Scientific Statement on EDCs

Endocrine Society releases executive summary of second Scientific Statement on EDCs; mounting evidence on associations between exposure to EDCs and various health problems such as diabetes and obesity

EFSA’s work on endocrine disrupters is ongoing

EFSA gives update on their work on endocrine active substances and non-monotonic dose response; following up their Scientific Opinion of 2013