Sweden: Action plan on nanomaterials

Swedish government publishes action plan on nanomaterials, demands REACH revision for nanomaterials and more research into public health and environmental risks

Opinion: No nano-specific regulation measurement needed

Nanotechnology Industries Association comments on nanomaterials under REACH published in ECHA newsletter, REACH is suitable to cover nanomaterials, modifications still necessary

New FPF background article on nanomaterials

The application of nanomaterials is considered a promising tool in food contact material manufacture; the FPF summarizes applications, toxicity and regulation

New FPF report: Bioplastics in food packaging

Coating, blending, and chemical/physical modifications can improve properties of bioplastics, migration issues not addressed

Denmark plans registry of products containing nanomaterials

Danish EPA launches public consultation phase on draft order, registry not to be publicly accessible

Risks and benefits of nanosilver

Environmental Health Perspectives reports on nanosilver, context is key to weighing risks and benefits

Research on nanomaterial toxicity presented

Need for grouping of nanomaterials to carry out  risk evaluation efficiently, recommends NanoGEM research program

Are industrial risks of nanomaterials covered by existing regulation?

New OECD project investigates risks emerging from the industrial application of nanomaterials

French Ministry delays deadline for nanomaterial registrations

The first country to legally require declaration of nanomaterial use delays deadline for submission

Multiple cell types testing to reduce inter-laboratory variability

New study reviews in vitro toxicity of engineered nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes and titanium dioxide cause lung injury