Plastic pollution and human health

Scientists argue that plastic debris is not merely an environmental, but also a human health problem; particle toxicity, chemical toxicity, and pathogen spreading issues are discussed

EFSA: New guidance for priority topics

EFSA’s Scientific Committee identifies priority topics requiring new guidance such as interpretation of epidemiological studies, chemical mixtures, and nanotechnologies

Manufactured nanomaterials in food

French NGO Agir pour l’Environnement finds TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles in food products not labelled as ‘nano’; calls for moratorium on nanoparticle use in consumer goods

Safety of nanomaterials in food and packaging

Food Standards Australia New Zealand finds no safety concern for titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide and silver in food; no migration of nano-clay and nanosilver from food packaging

Nano guidance to be updated

ECHA updates four REACH guidance documents on nanomaterials

Nanoparticles in FCMs: Benefits and limitations

Scientists discuss the use of nanoparticles in food packaging materials, focusing on gaps in knowledge on their migration, toxicity, influence on biopolymer degradability

REACH and CLP progress report

ECHA publishes second report on the operation of the REACH and CLP regulation; knowledge of chemical properties increased; companies still need to provide more and better data

Nanoparticles in infant formula

New report by Friends of the Earth reveals presence of engineered nanoparticles in popular U.S. baby formula brands; call for moratorium on food and food packaging containing nanomaterials

EU nanomaterial definition coming soon

European Commission to update nanomaterial definition by September or October 2016

Food simulant affects nanoparticles

Scientists evaluate changes in size and dissolution of silver nanoparticles in food simulants; nanoparticles dissolve in acidic simulant but remain stable in water and alcoholic food simulant