FPF workshop on hazardous substances  

Industry news provider reports on FPF’s workshop on hazardous substances in food contact materials; chemical risk assessment needs to consider cocktail effects and long-term exposures

Harmonizing human and ecological risk assessment of mixtures

EFSA gathers international experts to debate exposures to chemical mixtures

New book on chemicals in politics and everyday life

Danish Ecological Council published e-book on chemical regulation, EDCs, nanomaterials and mixture effects

Harmonizing risk assessment of mixtures

EFSA to hold colloquium on human and ecological risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals

Alternatives to bisphenol A

Replacement of endocrine disrupting chemical taking place for some products, other applications face more obstacles according to a report in Nature

Project on the European exposome

New European Human Early-Life Exposome (HELIX) project to investigate prenatal environmental exposures and biomarkers of disease and child health outcomes

European project on mixture toxicity

European agency launches chemical mixture toxicity project; to focus on mode-of-action of combined chemical exposures

Sweden adopts future chemicals policy

Sweden adopts new strategy towards a non-toxic environment, proposes to work on chemical groups to accelerate phase-out of dangerous substances

Combined phthalate exposure may exceed regulatory limit

New Danish study on exposure to phthalate mixtures, combined exposure in young men may occasionally exceed safe limit

FCMs, a major source of chemical exposure

San Francisco Medicine journal publishes an article linking low-dose exposures, mixture toxicity and developmental origins of disease to food contact materials