Food packaging fact sheet now in 18 languages

Food Packaging Forum translates its fact sheet on food packaging and human health into 18 different languages, provides introductory overview of chemicals in food packaging; pdfs available for download in all languages

Morocco drafts new FCM migration limits

Notification to the World Trade Organization includes specific migration limits for chemicals by food contact material (FCM) type; plastics with lost traceability not to be used in food contact applications; draft standards open for comments until January 21, 2019

Symposium on Food Contact Materials Safety

International Food Contact Materials Safety Symposium in Guangzhou, China brings together academic, industry, regulatory and civil society experts to discuss developments towards safer and sustainable packaging

Call for EU rules on paper packaging

European study finds paper packaging can release primary aromatic amines, UV filters; European consumer organization BEUC calls for ‘strict’ EU-wide laws to ensure safety of food contact paper and board

UNWRAPPED Conference on food packaging

Conference brings together 120 international scientists, advocates, progressive industry, and communicators; discussions focus on sharing knowledge and experience, providing an overview of the latest science regarding food packaging and human health

EFSA FCM working group: 6th meeting

Minutes of the 6th meeting of EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on food contact materials now available online; discussion of criteria and tools for prioritizing food contact plastics substances on the Union list that do not have specific migration limits

EU reviews metal limits in ceramic and glass FCMs

European Commission initiative to consider lowering migration limits for lead, cadmium, other heavy metals in ceramic, glass, and enamel food contact materials; feedback on roadmap open until June 26, 2019, full public consultation to follow

JRC: Avoid pre-heating for migration testing

EU Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials completes study on the impacts of pre-heating food contact materials before migration testing; advises reference laboratories to avoid pre-heating

Chemical migration from plastic FCMs in China

Chinese scientists analyze migration from 120 domestic plastic FCM products; only 13% of detected migrants listed on EU positive list for plastic FCMs; widespread detection of antioxidant precursor 2,4-DTBP

Lead and arsenic in food contact paper

Low migration of lead and arsenic measured in food contact paper bought in Korea; resulting human exposure estimated to be within safe levels