Bottled waters from Spain analyzed for some EDCs

94 brands of bottled waters sold in Spain analyzed for presence of substances of concern, contamination levels well below safety thresholds

Hormonal activity of food contact materials: New research findings from Austria

Polystyrene sample found to be estrogenic and antiandrogenic in two different in vitro assays, other food contact materials’ overall migrate tested positive for estrogenicity in some cases, no final verdict on hormonal active chemicals’ identities

Some BPA-free plastics are estrogenic

Mother Jones reports on new controversial scientific study comparing estrogenic activity of different BPA-free labeled plastic products

Estrogenic activity of BPA-free products

New study investigates estrogenic activity of BPA-free polycarbonate plastics used in food contact

DG SANCO stakeholder meeting on FCMs

European Commission holds working group meeting on food contact materials with stakeholders from Member States, industry and public interest.

Opinion: No doubt about migration of FCMs

Voice of Russia UK publishes interview with Jane Muncke of the Food Packaging Forum; chemical migration from FCMs is an established fact

New PET-recycling process considered safe for FCM

EFSA considers “Aliplast Buhler B” safe to recycle post-consumer PET; decontamination process effective

FACET goes online

Dietary exposure tool is now available online, allows the inclusion of new substances not covered in the pre-loaded database

New FPF report: Presence of UV filters in carton board and food

German researchers detect UV filters in carton board packaging, food and food simulants; packaging surface per kg of food larger than regulatory default

Contaminants migrate from recycled paper and paperboard

New method for the detection of contaminants in in recycled paper and paperboard. Significant levels of BPA, DEHP and nonylphenols found in commercial retail samples of recycled paperboard food contact materials.