UN tackles marine plastic pollution

United Nations Environment Programme launches global campaign to eliminate ocean plastic pollution; calls on governments, industry, and consumer to take action and reduce plastic use

Tracking marine litter in Europe

EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre publishes reports on marine litter in Europe, addresses microplastics and different sources of food and beverage packaging items in the marine environment

Eating fish that eat plastic

Article in The Guardian provides extensive summary on plastic ocean pollution, microplastic contamination of seafood, implications for human health, and ways forward

Microplastics in supermarket fish

New United Nations report finds microplastic contamination in commercial fish and shellfish; more research needed to determine risks for human health

Microplastics, seafood and human health

Greenpeace UK releases report on microplastics in seafood; compiles most recent academic research; recommends banning mircobeads and generally applying precautionary principle

Endocrine disruption and marine plastic pollution

Talk by Pete Myers at the CE100 Annual Summit 2016 explains endocrine disruption and why it is important; shows how marine plastic pollution contaminates food chain and increases exposure to EDCs

Global treaty on plastics?

Ensia article highlights the need for a global environmental agreement on plastics and outlines how it could be shaped

Chemicals leach from microplastics into fish

New study shows that chemical pollutants sorbed to microplastics accumulate in fish after ingestion

Solutions to plastic pollution?

Epoch Times article: Plastic production, consumption, and pollution on the rise; direct effects on humans unknown; solutions overdue and needed

Plastic pollution and toxic chemicals

Article in The Japan Times highlights issue of hazardous chemicals accumulating in microplastics and transferring into the food chain