Obesity increased tenfold in children and teens

New WHO study finds worldwide rise in childhood and teen obesity between 1975 and 2016; NGO discusses metabolic disruptors as contributing factor to obesity epidemic

More evidence on hazard potential of BPA and BPS

Endocrine Society highlights 3 scientific studies investigating effects of bisphenol A and its common substitute bisphenol S on body weight, liver development, and breast cancer

Scientific statement on obesity

Endocrine Society issues statement on causes of obesity, highlights biological process governing weight stability, calls for more research on factors influencing obesity such as endocrine disruptors

BPA disrupts regulation of feeding behavior

Scientists show that exposure to low-dose BPA during fetal development interferes with leptin and hypothalamic feeding circuitry, disrupts regulation of feeding behavior, predisposes to obesity in later life

DEHP disrupts insulin signaling

Scientists find that long-term oral exposure of adult rats to the phthalate DEHP disrupts insulin signaling pathways, resulting in the development of insulin resistance

BPA and childhood obesity

New study finds association between prenatal BPA exposure and body fat outcomes in New York City children

Food packaging chemicals in ToxCast

Scientists use ToxCast data to prioritize food-relevant chemicals for safety testing; identify obesity- and diabetes-related chemicals, and chemicals affecting growth and development; multiple food contact chemicals found to be active in ToxCast assays

Scientific consensus on chemicals and obesity

International scientists release Uppsala consensus statement agreeing on potential impact of environmental contaminants on metabolism and obesity; call for urgent action to reduce chemical exposure

Childhood obesity and other chronic diseases

Obesity, asthma, autism, ADHD among U.S. children have continuously increased over past decade, new studies find; Mother Jones article discusses nutrition, chemicals and physical activity as key factors in childhood obesity

Focus on BPA analogues

Recent studies investigate effects of bisphenol A analogues such as BPS and BPF, reveal similar endocrine disrupting effects of analogues in cell lines and whole organisms