JRC: definition of nanomaterial

Joint Research Centre publishes 2nd report on EC nanomaterial definition; details differences among definitions

Lack of standardized measurement methods challenges nano industry

New report of the EC Joint Research Center reveals challenges of a recommended EU-wide nano-definition

New FPF report: FACET exposure tool

FACET exposure tool models migrant exposure based on food consumption; tool lends itself to risk assessment; FPF discusses strengths and weaknesses

JRC: New nanomaterial platform

European research center releases online nanomaterial platform, integrates information currently dispersed across the web

EU Commission publishes endocrine disruptor expert report

Scientific expert advisory group shares views on scientific issues relevant to endocrine disrupting chemicals

JRC: Workshop on sensory science for food contact materials safety

Experts presented their work on sensory science for food contact materials safety at a workshop in Ispra organized by the JRC