EFSA, ECHA and JRC develop EDC guidance

The European Food Safety Authority and the European Chemicals Agency, together with the EU Commission’s Joint Research Centre, work on guidance for implementing the Commission’s proposed EDC criteria

JRC: Report 2016 on alternatives to animal testing

European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EURL ECVAM) publishes 2016 status report providing an update on its activities

Collecting data on endocrine activity

European Commission’s Joint Research Centre launches web-based information system collecting scientific data on chemicals’ endocrine activity

EFSA: 3rd FIP network meeting on FCMs

EFSA’s Food Ingredients and Packaging Scientific Network held third meeting on food contact materials on May 24-26, 2016 in Parma, Italy

EURL-FCM annual report 2015

EU reference laboratory for FCMs publishes annual report 2015; delivered methods and guidance for composition and migration testing of FCMs

Risk assessing chemical mixtures

European Commission’s Joint Research Centre reviews risk assessments of chemical mixtures for e.g. pesticides, phthalates, and FCMs; identifies need to address mixtures across chemical classes and legislative sectors

Final report: EU EDC screening

European Commission issues final report on the screening of potential EDCs as part of the impact assessment on EDC criteria; option 1 of EDC roadmap appears as most conservative approach

Methodology for EDC impact assessment

European Commission’s Joint Research Centre publishes report on EDC screening method used in Commission’s impact assessment on criteria to identify EDCs

Risk assessment of chemical mixtures

Scientists from EC Joint Research Centre review legislation and approaches currently used for risk assessment of chemical mixtures; evaluate case studies, discuss challenges and novel tools

Guidance on multilayer films

EU reference laboratory for FCMs publishes practical guidance on the identification of the components in multilayer films used in food contact materials