Sweden adopts future chemicals policy

Sweden adopts new strategy towards a non-toxic environment, proposes to work on chemical groups to accelerate phase-out of dangerous substances

FCM substances ubiquitous in pubertal girls

Agence France-Presse reports on investigation of environmental causes of breast cancer; phthalates, BPA and pesticides found in all girls participating in study

New FPF report: Sources of PFCs in food

New scientific study addresses contribution of different sources to polyfluorinated compound presence in food, assesses raw materials, processes and packaging

DuPont separates from fluorinated chemicals

DuPont announces sales of Titanium Technologies and Chemicals& Fluoroproducts businesses, part of portfolio enhancement

NGO lists dirty dozen of EDCs

Environmental Working Group publishes list of worst endocrine disruptors, recommendation on how to avoid them

Stain-resistant chemical linked to hypertension during pregnancy

New study investigates link between perfluorinated chemicals and high blood pressure during pregnancy

137 chemicals in cord blood of Canadian newborns

Environmental Defence detects food contact substances in cord blood

New study investigates link between kidney function and PFOA

Perfluorinated compound may influence kidney function, could kidney function also influence perfluorinated compound exposure?

Polyfluorinated compounds in food packaging

The Food Packaging Forum reports on uses, risks and regulation

High exposure to perfluorinated compound linked to kidney, testicular cancer in humans

New epidemiological study finds association between high PFOA contamination in drinking water and kidney and testicular cancer, confirming earlier research