US FDA adds nine substances to food contact inventory

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adds nine new entries to its Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substance Notifications (FCN) since August 2021

FDA adds 13 new substances to FCS inventory

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adds 13 new entries to its Inventory of Effective Food Contact Substances (FCS)

US FCM phthalate exposure prevention act introduced

Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kirsten Gillibrand introduce the Preventing Harmful Exposure to Phthalates Act into the US Senate; Representatives Ted Lieu and Katie Porter introduce companion legislation in the House of Representatives; bill would “prohibit [the] use of ortho-phthalates in food contact substances, including food packaging materials” (FCMs)

FDA letter on plastic FCM fluorination

In a letter, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reminds manufacturers, distributors, and users “that only certain fluorinated polyethylene containers are authorized for food contact use”; reminder necessary following recent findings by US EPA and civil society organizations that some manufacturers are not following FDA regulations

Bill to require US FDA to reexamine chemicals used in food

Representative Jan Schakowsky introduces Food Chemical Reassessment Act of 2021 to the United States House of Representatives; the bill would require the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regularly review the chemicals used in foods, particularly those approved through the generally recognized as safe (GRAS) rule; would establish an Office of Food Safety Reassessment and reestablish a food advisory committee

Plastic container fluorine treatments create PFAS

Scientists from Environmental Defense Fund and Green Science Policy Institute find fluorine gas treatment used on “millions of polyethylene and polypropylene containers each year” including those for food contact; treatment can produce PFAS that migrate from the material

South Korean study investigates chemical exposures from food contact plastics

Scientific study examines chemical migration from seven types of food contact plastics available in South Korea; finds overall migration within national regulatory limits; considers estimated human exposures to terephthalic acid, acetaldehyde, 1,4-butanediol, and lead to be safe

Toxic Free Food Act introduced in US

Representative Rosa DeLauro introduces Toxic Free Food Act to United States House of Representatives; bill would require US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to publicly review all chemicals related to food that are currently allowed under the generally recognized as safe (GRAS) rule; novel chemicals and carcinogens would no longer be allowed under GRAS

NGOs petition US FDA to ban PFAS in food packaging

NGOs in the United States including the Environmental Defense Fund, Center for Food Safety, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, and the League of Conservation Voters, send petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling on the agency to ban all PFAS in food packaging; US Representative Dingell plans to introduce legislation banning PFAS to US House of Representatives

NGO alliance calls on US FDA to update regulations

NGOs in the United States including Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, Earth Justice, and the Environmental Defense Fund, launch campaign calling on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to update its rules about chemicals present in food packaging; new campaign targets heavy metals, PFAS, phthalates, and perchlorate