Opinion: food contact materials are safe

American Chemistry Council responds to Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health commentary, calls it ‘inflammatory commentary’

US: Calls to ban the use of azodicarbonamide

US health advocates call for the ban of food and plastic additive azodicarbonamide

Screening data on 1800 chemicals

US EPA publishes screening data on 1800 chemicals, opens ToxCast challenges to use data for public health risk assessment

Fixing U.S. food additive oversight

The Pew Charitable Trusts publish summary report on food additive project, recommendations for U.S. regulatory review and FDA overhaul

Opinion: GRAS overhaul is not a priority issue

Legal consultant reviews GRAS debate in major newspaper, GRAS review is of less importance than heart disease, obesity and economic issues

How new research will shed light on BPA

Innovative research program CLARITY-BPA unites regulatory risk assessors and academic researchers, studies BPA’s hazards; first results expected in early 2015

Safety of food additives questioned

Knowledge gaps for 80% of food additives, including food contact substances, hinder proper safety assessment and may be a public health problem, finds new study by The Pew Charitable Trusts scientists

Cooperation between FDA and EPA to improve food safety

Co-author of FDA food additive study comments in FDA week on FDA’s chemical risk assessment

FDA’s food additives risk assessment under scrutiny

New study sheds light on FDA’s food additives safety assessment and makes recommendations for modernizing the process