US: Antioxidant approved for FCMs

US FDA approves antioxidant for FCMs: nonylphenol-free phosphite for use in LDPE and HDPE

Opinion: FDA concludes prematurely on BPA’s safety

NRDC scientists comments on FDA conclusion regarding BPA’s safety; undermines BPA safety research

Stakeholders comment on EFSA’s BPA risk assessment

EFSA invites BPA stakeholders for discussion of scientific opinions on risk assessment of BPA; stakeholders from national agencies, NGOs, industry, academia comment

Opinion: Glaring loophole in FDA food contact legislation

PolicyMic reports on the National Resources Defense Council report on GRAS, considers GRAS gaping loophole in US food and food contact regulation

Opinion: FDA study on BPA receives unjustified criticism

Forbes reports on FDA publication finding BPA safe and opposes subsequent Mother Jones article arguing that FDA study borders on scientific misconduct

Generally Recognized As Secret

Natural Resources Defense Council releases new report on GRAS self-determinations and criticizes lack of public information, calls FDA and Congress to action

Scientists criticize FDA study on BPA

Scientists state FDA study borders on scientific misconduct, precludes studies aiming to resolve conflicts between regulatory and academic BPA research

GRAS petitions: Trade secrets vs. public disclosure

Food Safety News argues that spotlight on GRAS notification process may shift line between trade secrets and public disclosure

500 health foods contain azodicarbonide

Environmental Working Group reports presence of azodicarbonamide in US health foods; additive is banned in Europe

FDA sued over GRAS program

NGO sues FDA over GRAS notification process, success would force FDA to revert back to pre-1997 rules