FDA under fire for food additives oversight

Four NGOs submitted regulatory comment to US FDA to highlight that process for overseeing food additives in US violates law in their opinion

Study evaluates migration of silver nanoparticles from FCMs

Ionic silver but no silver nanoparticles migrated from FCMs into food simulants

U.S. FDA petitioned to ban several FCM substances

FDA announced filing of two food additive petitions submitted by consumer groups

FDA approves fluoropolymer additive for use in FCMs

Oil, grease and water resistance additive Cartaguard® KST approved for use in paper and board packaging

New FPF report: Polystyrene functional barrier in colored FCMs

US FDA researchers detected solvent dyes from colored polystyrene (PS) bowls in three food simulants, PS barrier overlaying the migrating dyes was disrupted

Performance of FCNs assessed

U.S. FDA reviewed the first decade of the Food Contact Notification program

FDA: BPA is safe for use in food contact applications

U.S. FDA updated its safety declaration on BPA, current exposure levels via food are safe

Big food to disclose data on GRAS evaluations

Grocery Manufacturers Association will give US FDA access to large database of chemical safety information

“Redbook” to be updated

US FDA will update “Toxicological Principles for the Safety Assessment of Food Ingredients”; publishes report on chemical evaluation process

GRAS determination for food additives under review

Washington Post questions whether the rising number of food additives is a consequence of waning FDA scrutiny