Long-term migration from polyester coating

Scientists analyze long-term migration from polyester can coating, find hydrolysis of oligomers after long storage; modification of testing protocols suggested

Loopholes in U.S. food additives regulation

U.S. Senator questions FDA’s oversight of food and beverage ingredients “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS)

Phthalates: FDA considers ban

Group of 10 NGOs file food additive petition to U.S. FDA, requesting banning of 30 ortho-phthalates used as indirect food additives; FDA agrees to reconsider safety decisions

Perchlorate: NGOs vs. FDA

Consortium of U.S. NGOs file lawsuit against FDA for failure to act on perchlorate petition; developmental exposure to perchlorate linked to brain deficiencies

Colloquium on TTC

Free colloquium co-organized by SOT and U.S. FDA addresses the Cramer classification scheme and threshold of toxicological concern; webinar available

Opinion: FDA reviews needed

Survey finds consumers increasingly value safety and transparency in their food; Tom Neltner argues that meeting these demands necessitates FDA review of all food product ingredients

FDA approves PS recycling process

U.S. FDA issues favorable opinion on new post-consumer polystyrene recycling process for manufacture of food contact articles

FDA bans 3 perfluorinated substances

Grease-proofing agents not to be used in paper and board in contact with food; FDA concludes no reasonable certainty of no harm

Regulatory changes for food packaging

Chemical safety and compliance key issues at plastic and paper food contact industry meeting; plastics recycling, NIAS, chemicals of concern and upcoming regulatory changes discussed

FDA: FCMs subject to import verification rule

U.S. Food and Drug Administration decides that also food contact substances in imported food need to be compliant with U.S. standards