FDA bans 2 more perfluorinated substances

Two perfluoroalkyl containing oil and water repellents can no longer be used in paper and board FCMs in the U.S.; petition to FDA claimed the substances’ use has been abandoned

New thermostable food contact plastics

A ‘glass-like’ thermostable copolyester introduced to European market; promoted as alternative to PET, polycarbonate, polystyrene, and glass, particularly for hot-fill applications

Alternative plasticizer approved by EPA

Non-ortho-phthalate plasticizer listed as Safer Choice chemical, approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency

Report on chemicals in food packaging

U.S. groups Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund publish report on food packaging chemicals; address health hazards and regulatory failures; call for greater transparency to drive changes in the Californian market place

Guidance for polyurethanes in food contact materials

American Chemistry Council issues guidance for the use of polyurethanes in food contact applications; provides overview of relevant rules and regulations

FDA’s GRAS review is efficient

Environmental Defense Fund + Business blog explains FDA’s review procedure for food additives ‘generally recognized as safe’ and highlights importance of FDA safety review to ensure food safety

Phthalates petition: Call for comments extended

Comments to FDA petition on the use of ortho-phthalates as indirect food additives can be submitted until September 19, 2016

Final rule on GRAS

U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues final rule on food ingredients ‘generally recognized as safe’; specifies requirements for scientific evidence; notification remains voluntary

FDA decision on perchlorate postponed

NGOs and FDA request to pause court case concerning perchlorate petition; FDA aims to reach final decision on use of perchlorate in food packaging by March 2017

FDA: Petition against phthalates in FCMs

FDA petition on the use of ortho-phthalates as indirect food additives published in U.S. Federal Register; comments can be submitted by July 19, 2016