EEB: At this pace, the EU will take centuries to regulate chemicals

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) analysis finds that it takes the EU two decades to regulate a chemical from start to finish; bottlenecks include industry submitting incomplete information, over-analysis by EU regulators, and the European Commission taking longer to decide about a Scientific Opinion than ECHA takes to draft it

European Commission: Current food contact materials regulation “sub-optimal”

European Commission (EC) publishes working document on review of whether the EU Food Contact Material Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 is fit for purpose; finds regulation is “partly effective” but “overall, the efficiency… appears to be sub-optimal”; presents concerns including lack of specifics for materials other than plastics, non-intentionally added substances, supply chain transparency, oversight, and structure of risk assessments

EC sets limit on MOAH in foods

European Commission sets recommended limits on mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbon (MOAH) contamination in food, effective immediately; Limits not currently binding, up to Member States to enforce; action follows December 2021 civil society investigation into levels of MOAH in foods on the European market

Call for feedback: Streamlining chemical assessments in the EU

European Commission calls for stakeholder comments on an initiative to restructure scientific assessments of chemicals across EU agencies to move towards ‘one substance, one assessment’; feedback period open until April 12, 2022

EU governments consider actions on circular economy

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes literature review to find and evaluate risks that could come from a circular economy, actions the agency could take to mitigate any risks; suggests further research on exposure risks from shelf life extending materials as well as recycled, reusable, and biobased packaging; European Commission proposes ecodesign for sustainable products regulation; Ireland’s cabinet passes circular economy bill

Update on recycled plastics FCM regulation in Europe

Standing Committee of the European Commission debates a slightly revised draft regulation on recycled plastics in food contact materials (FCMs); voting carried out as written procedure; final decision expected to be favorable

VZBV finds consumers are confused about food contact materials

Market research from German consumer organization Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (VZBV) finds consumers are concerned about food packaging safety but have little understanding of chemicals in packaging; consumers assume all food contact materials and their components have been tested for safety

FPF comments on integration of essential use concept

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) provides comments following a European Commission stakeholder consultation workshop on the essential use concept (ESU); finds integration of an ESU in EU’s food contact materials (FCM) regulation increases FCM safety by allowing easier and more efficient management of harmful chemicals; recommends integrating ESU into EU FCM regulations during current revision process

EC seeks stakeholder information on styrene migration

European Commission (EC) opens consultation period on the use of styrene as a food contact material; considering developing migration limit for styrene into food; stakeholder survey open until April 11, 2022

EC launches public consultation on microplastic pollution

European Commission (EC) initiative aims to reduce the release of microplastics into the environment; specifically focuses on expanding research on risks from microplastics contamination in food and water and reducing risks to humans from environmental contamination; consultation open until May 17, 2022