EFSA to re-assess phthalates again

EU Commission plans to ask EFSA to do yet another risk assessment of phthalates in plastic food contact materials, look at endpoints other than reproductive toxicity

JRC report on nanomaterial identification

European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes report with guidance on measurement techniques to identify nanomaterials under the EU definition; includes practical examples and flowchart to support analysis

EC launches public consultation on EDCs

European Commission (EC) begins public consultation on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); survey targets citizens to inform ongoing fitness check of legislation; open online in multiple languages until March 9, 2020

Commission presents ‘European Green Deal’

European Commission publicly announces new deal to serve as roadmap for making EU’s economy sustainable; includes creation of chemicals strategy for sustainability, zero-pollution action plan, circular economy action plan, farm to fork strategy; timeline for actions published

First annual EU forum on endocrine disruptors

Event brings together EU government agencies, research institutions, stakeholders to discuss endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); Joint Research Centre (JRC) announces upcoming launch of stakeholder survey to inform ongoing fitness check of EU legislation

NGO letter to new EU Commission on chemical pollution

Group of 24 organizations call on incoming European Commission president to prioritize three zero pollution goals; highlight use of hazardous chemicals in food packaging, outdated EDC strategy, toxics in the circular economy

Symposium on Food Contact Materials Safety

International Food Contact Materials Safety Symposium in Guangzhou, China brings together academic, industry, regulatory and civil society experts to discuss developments towards safer and sustainable packaging

EU surveys phthalate uses in FCMs

DG SANTE seeks information on the uses of phthalates in plastic, non-plastic, multilayer food contact materials; survey open until November 8, 2019

FPF Workshop 2019: How to improve FCM law and enforcement in the EU

Konrad Grob criticizes FCM regulation and enforcement in the EU, suggests future actions for improvement

EC’s meeting with European FCM industry

EU Commission presents ongoing work in FCM field to professional associations; amendments to recycling plastics regulation and specific measure on ‘glymo’ in preparation; authorization of recycling processes expected by Q3 2020; final publication of updated EFSA opinion on phthalates in FCMs expected soon