Phthalates linked to reduced couple fecundity

New study investigates association between BPA, phthalates and time to achieve pregnancy, men’s phthalate exposure linked to delayed conception

Opinion: food contact materials are safe

American Chemistry Council responds to Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health commentary, calls it ‘inflammatory commentary’

Slovenian study finds BPA to affect sperm quality

New study finds BPA to affect sperm quality in couples seeking in vitro fertilization; findings not statistically significant

Study ignores other risk factors for preterm births

ACC responds to study linking phthalate exposure to preterm births, criticizes exclusion of other risk factors and limited sample size

Phthalates linked to preterm births

New study finds significant association between phthalate exposure and premature births, France Agence-Presse recommends pregnant women to avoid phthalate exposure

FCM substances ubiquitous in pubertal girls

Agence France-Presse reports on investigation of environmental causes of breast cancer; phthalates, BPA and pesticides found in all girls participating in study

ACC: No causal link between BPA and miscarriage

ACC publishes press release in response to study linking BPA to miscarriage, argues that study cannot establish causal link

New study investigates link between kidney function and PFOA

Perfluorinated compound may influence kidney function, could kidney function also influence perfluorinated compound exposure?

Children’s BPA levels higher in summer, among African Americans and at lower age

First study to investigate BPA levels in US minorities and link with phthalate-exposure

Epidemiological study links BPA to childhood asthma, but cannot confirm earlier findings

New study finds postnatal BPA exposure to be positively and prenatal exposure to be negatively associated with risk of wheezing in children