European Parliament sends clear message to European Commission to act on EDCs

ENVI Committee of the European Parliament adopts DRAFT report on endocrine disruptors

New York Times: Endocrine Disruptors, the culprits of increasing obesity rates

The New York Times publishes an article discussing the role of endocrine disruptors in increasing obesity rates around the world

BPA replacement also interferes with the endocrine system at low doses

New study shows that BPS, a BPA replacement, leads to cell proliferation at low doses and interferes with normal estradiol induced signaling pathways

Controversy about the safety of plastic food contact materials

A recently published review article by Korean researchers sparks a scientific debate on the safety of plastic food contact materials containing hormone active substances.

US NIEHS Director welcomes tiered approach as a first step towards inherently safe chemicals

Tiered protocol for identifying EDCs can be used by industry voluntarily to respond to consumers’ demand of inherently safer chemicals

US EPA to publish a state of the science report on endocrine disruptors by the end of 2013

The US EPA responds to rising public and scientific concern regarding low-dose, hormone-like chemicals with a new state-of-the-science report scheduled for the end of 2013.

Endocrine disruption and the next generation of chemicals

Chemists, toxicologists collaborate to develop safer chemicals by compiling a Tiered Protocol for Endocrine Disruption (TiPED) testing, published in the Green Chemistry journal. Their goal is to eliminate the hazard of endocrine disruption, rather than attempting to control exposures as current approaches do. Certainty on absence of endocrine disruption currently can only be achieved with whole organism experiments, according to the authors.

Nature: Linking obesity and Bisphenol A

Researcher reviews in the scientific journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology evidence of Bisphenol A causing obesity in children and adolescents .

ECETOC publishes compilation on endocrine disruptors

European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals compiles package of publications on endocrine disrupting chemicals

Nature: scientists claim effects at very low dose, regulators are not yet convinced

Researchers are discovering low-dose effects of endocrine disruptors since the seventies yet the issue remains a controversy and chemical regulation remains to be modified