Scientific consensus statement on food contact chemicals and human health

Group of 33 international scientists publish peer-reviewed statement identifying seven specific areas for improvement, urge decision makers to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals present in food packaging and other contact food contact materials

New European commissioner targets non-toxic material cycles

European Commissioner for the Internal Market (DG Grow) commits to removing hazardous substances from material cycles in first address to Parliamentary committee on environment; aims to harmonize rules for substances of very high concern (SVHCs), update REACH legislation to manage endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)

Letter from EU Health Commissioner on FCM concerns

European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety responds to CHEM Trust regarding concerns with current EU food contact material legislation, recognizes stakeholder concerns, promises to move ahead with prioritization of harmful substances including endocrine disruptors

Resources on EDCs for endocrinologists and patients

Endocrine Society publishes new resource website with summary videos on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); provide introduction, overview of links to metabolic diseases, cost effective steps for reducing exposure; more videos to be published in coming months

EHN: EDCs threaten our health, finances and future

Article published in Environmental Health News (EHN) emphasizes need to innovate towards safer chemicals; argues that companies and investors face significant financial risks if they fail to do so; calls for ‘upending dangerous assumptions’ about low-dose effects and ‘one at a time’ chemical assessments

EC launches public consultation on EDCs

European Commission (EC) begins public consultation on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); survey targets citizens to inform ongoing fitness check of legislation; open online in multiple languages until March 9, 2020

EU EDC fitness check – ‘another delay’ or ‘game changer’?

Platform article in Chemical Watch discusses EU Commission’s efforts to identify and address endocrine disrupting chemicals; calls for crosscutting regulatory framework, identifying and acting on suspected EDCs, considering all health costs; sees fitness check as chance to put words into action

Scientists define 10 key characteristics of EDCs

Outcome of two-day workshop aims to provide universal framework for organizing mechanistic information for hazard identification; recognize features of hormone regulation/action independent of diversity of effects

First annual EU forum on endocrine disruptors

Event brings together EU government agencies, research institutions, stakeholders to discuss endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); Joint Research Centre (JRC) announces upcoming launch of stakeholder survey to inform ongoing fitness check of EU legislation

FPF Workshop 2019: Non-monotonicity explained

Ana Soto presents biological mechanisms underlying non-monotonic dose-responses, explains why non-monotonicity is ‘useful to organisms, challenging for regulators,’ discusses CLARITY-BPA’s successes and limitations