EFSA assesses ‘Linpac’ recycling process

EFSA’s CEF Panel considers PET made from recycling process ‘Linpac’ safe for use in food contact articles for all types of foodstuffs, except packaged water, under certain conditions

Transparency and sustainability of EU risk assessment

EU Parliament publishes draft report on proposal by the EU Commission, suggests withholding supporting information until publication of scientific opinion

Outcome of consultations on EDC guidance

European Food Safety Agency publishes technical report detailing outcome of several consultations on its Guidance for identification of endocrine disruptors

Cut-off values for data on chemicals in food

EFSA publishes step-wise approach to selecting cut-off values for non-quantified/non-detected data to reduce uncertainty in dietary exposure assessments

Safety assessment of biodegradable polymer

EFSA deems poly((R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-(R)-3-hydroxyhexanoate) safe for use in food contact materials for dry or solid food

EFSA updates OpenFoodTox database

European Food Safety Authority updates its OpenFoodTox database on chemical hazards with more chemicals and health-based guidance values, improves interface to facilitate data exploration

EFSA evaluates Gneuss recycling for PET

EFSA’s CEF Panel considers PET made from Gneuss recycling processes safe for use in food contact articles intended ‘for long-term storage at room temperature with all types of food stuffs’; trays made of this recycled PET not to be used in microwave or conventional oven

EFSA guidance on nanotechnology published

EFSA releases guidance on risk assessment of nanotechnology applications in food and feed; pilot phase launched; finalization of guidance by end of 2019

EFSA and JRC continue to collaborate

EFSA and EU Joint Research Centre reinforce cooperation in food and feed safety areas, including food contact materials

CEF Panel: 75th plenary meeting

EFSA’s CEF Panel discusses PET recycling processes, new mandate for evaluating food contact chemical, safety assessment of phthalates and BPA in FCMs at 75th plenary meeting, held June 5-7, 2018