Focus on the circular economy

In-depth article in C&EN discusses the circular economy, addresses management of hazardous chemicals; extensive background articles available in recent Nature special

Circular economy: Stronger policies needed

European Environment Agency assesses resource efficiency and commitment to circular economy in European countries

EP: Draft report on packaging and waste

European Parliament proposes amendments to directive on packaging and packaging waste; food packaging could be replaced with bio-based, biodegradable and compostable products

Start of new plastics economy initiative

New Plastics Economy initiative launched by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation kicks off with inaugural workshop

FCMs in the circular economy

Event at EU parliament highlights challenges, opportunities for chemical safety of FCMs in the circular economy

Recycling of PET thermoforms

Petcore Europe updates on recent challenges in recycling PET thermoforms; collection and sorting of PET packaging need improvement; packaging design is key for recycling

DEHP recycling approved

European Commission’s REACH Committee gives green light for use of DEHP in recycled plastics

Hazardous chemicals and recycling

Dutch institute for public health (RIVM) recommends “responsible” plastics recycling; use of purification technology to minimize exposure to chemicals of concern is advised

Intelligent packaging: Applications overview

Scientists review basic principles and market applications of intelligent food packaging; discuss the obstacles to a broader market penetration

Tool for identifying hazardous chemicals

Clean Production Action releases GreenScreen List Translator, a rapid-screening appliance within its GreenScreen tool aimed at companies for identifying hazardous chemicals in products