EU bioeconomy strategy

EU Commission publishes updated strategy for developing ‘sustainable and circular bioeconomy’ in Europe

‘Next generation’ black plastics for easy sorting

Industry specialist discusses advantages of black plastics detectable by near-infrared light and thus amenable to automatic sorting; an increase in NIR sorting capacities and more awareness among retailers and public needed to decrease black plastics waste

Managing SVHCs in waste for recycling

Dutch Institute for Public Health and Environment publishes guidance on substances of very high concern in waste, proposes decision tree to decide if it is safe to recycle

Opinion: Plastic recycling a ‘false promise’

Engineer estimates U.S. plastic recycling rate below 5% in 2018, calls for ‘real solutions’ to plastic pollution such as reduced production of single-use plastics, implementation of deposit schemes

Beverage carton recycling grows in Europe

Recycling of beverage cartons in the EU reaches 48% in 2017; total recovery rate at 76%

Vision for sustainable beverage packaging

UK report sets vision for sustainable beverage packaging, identifies eight actions for industry and government

WHO report on circular economy and health

World Health Organization publishes report on opportunities and risks to human health posed by circular economy; chemicals in food packaging identified as one ‘source of potential health implications’

EU Parliament supports plastics strategy

European Parliament votes to approve Commission’s plastics strategy, adopts resolution on hazardous chemicals and recycling

Webinar on SIN list

ChemSec hosts webinar explaining its SIN List on October 3, 2018; registration now open

German packaging register online

Central German packaging register ‘LUCID’ launched; registration of packaged goods possible until January 1, 2019, when new German packaging law enters into force