FPF webinar on prioritizing unknown substances: Video online

Food Packaging Forum held webinar on prioritization methods for unknown chemicals in food contact articles on February 8, 2018; video recording and presentation slides now available

Standard methods for measuring microplastics needed

New study by Danish Environmental Protection Agency highlights need for standardized analytical methods to capture small and large microplastic particles

Definition of nanoplastics

Scientists propose defining nanoplastics as unintentionally produced particles sized between 1 to 1000 nm and exhibiting colloidal behavior, discuss future research needs

FPF webinar on prioritization of unknown substances

Register now for the Food Packaging Forum’s webinar on prioritization methods for unknown chemicals in food contact articles to be held February 8, 2018

PAHs in polystyrene FCMs

Scientists detect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in polystyrene FCMs; PAHs could be formed during production or absorbed during use; PAH contamination may require special attention to ensure safety of polystyrene FCMs

Migration of metals from ceramic and glass FCMs

EU reference laboratory for FCMs publishes report on interlaboratory comparison exercise to determine metal migration from decorated ceramic and glass tableware

Detecting WEEE contamination in recycled FCM plastics

Scientists propose procedure for detection of contaminants from waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) in FCMs made of recycled plastics; call for regular screening to be performed by authorities to ensure compliance

Optimizing analytics for quantification of unknown substances

Scientists propose a method for semi-quantification of unknown substances; exemplify significance of various technical parameters; demonstrate method performance with paperboard FCM extract

Conference: NIAS and mineral oils in FCMs

Italian Institute of Packaging hosts conference on NIAS and mineral oils in food contact materials on March 29-30, 2017 in Munich

Nanomaterials in FCMs: Open questions on migration and safety

Scientists review migration of nanomaterials from polymer-based FCMs, question suitability of migration testing conditions and diffusion-based models for estimation of nanomaterials migration, point to knowledge gaps regarding actions in human body