Studies assess composition and safety of chemicals in recycled HDPE

Scientists analyze volatile compounds in recycled high-density polyethylene (HDPE); detect 53 chemicals in two post-consumer HDPE milk bottles including plastic additives and non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); risk assessment shows samples do not comply with plastic food packaging regulation; report re-granulation process in mechanical recycling to remove most but not all odor and volatile organic compounds

Studies assess PFAS, OPEs, and plasticizers in paper & board

Review summarizes per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) migration from paper food packaging into food and food simulants and identifies dietary exposure of PFAS as potential human health risk; study highlights need to further evaluate organophosphate esters (OPEs) and prohibited PFAS in paper and aluminum foil food packaging; scientists analyze and recommend extraction method to assess plasticizers in recycled paperboard

Widespread presence of organophosphate esters in plastic and paper FCMs

Scientists perform suspect and non-target analysis of organophosphate esters (OPEs) in 100 food contact materials (FCMs) in Southern China; identify 28 OPEs of which 18 were identified for the first time; find organophosphate antioxidants as one OPE source

NORMAN-SLE – Open and FAIR suspect screening

Scientists publish creation and implementation details of The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN‑SLE); now openly available as a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) chemical information resource; includes 99 suspect lists and 100,000 substances; new submissions are welcome

Scientists present and apply spectral database on plastic additives

Researchers develop high-resolution spectral database and method for the identification of 56 selected organic plastic additives; indicates presence of multiple additives when applied to polypropylene and polylactic acid food packaging; highlight chemical signature not polymer but product dependent and “bioplastic” just as conventional plastics contain harmful additives

Beyond BPA – Many bisphenols migrate from food packaging

Four studies investigate bisphenol (BP) migration from food packaging and human health effects; demonstrate wide presence of 11 bisphenols in polystyrene take-out food containers from China, Canada, and Poland; report material quality influences BPA migration from polycarbonate cups; indicate higher BPA migration from lined cans than plastic packaging into meat based on probabilistic models; find bisphenols A, F, and S induce genotoxic effects and changes in human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) expression using human blood cells

Switzerland: 25% of PVC lid gaskets exceed plasticizer migration limits

Swiss national campaign analyses 109 oily food samples packaged in glass jars on the compliance of migration of plasticizers from their lid gaskets; comparison with European campaigns conducted a decade ago shows similar proportion of non-compliant samples with non-polyvinyl chloride (PVC)-gasket; urges food businesses to pay more attention to the suitability of their products lids

Microplastics in food: occurrence, source, detection, and perception

Three studies investigate microplastics in foods; review summarizes particle migration from food packaging into honey and calls for universal analysis methods; research study presents analytical method to detect and identify microplastics in certain foods; survey finds public seems unaware of food packaging as microplastic source and seldomly connects microplastics with human health consequences

Scientists identify food packaging as organophosphate ester source

Scientists establish organophosphate esters (OPEs) baseline concentration in foodstuff across China and investigate the contamination sources; report extensive contamination of Chinese foodstuff with OPEs; uncover food packaging as source of these OPEs

Researchers detect chemicals present in and migrating from PET bottles

Two studies analyze polyethylene terephthalate (PET) chemicals; identify several volatile chemicals present in and migrating from new PET bottles as well as from bottles commercially available in Japan; develop online method for quantifying non-intentionally added substances (NIAS)