EU regulation on BPA in FCMs published

EU Commission issues new regulation on the use of bisphenol A in plastic food contact materials, varnishes and coatings, infant ‘sippy’ cups; applies from September 6, 2018

Focus on ‘BPA-free’ products

Article discusses common BPA substitutes and whether products labeled ‘BPA-free’ are safer

High throughput in vitro testing of BPA analogues

Scientists analyze estrogen- and androgen-like properties of BPA analogues using cell-based high throughput microscopy-employing tests; demonstrate anti-estrogenic and anti-androgenic properties of TMBPF

BPA in cans from ethnic stores

Center for Environmental Health provides information on BPA presence in coatings of cans sold in small ethnic stores in U.S.; finds BPA in coatings of over 90% of surveyed cans; calls for listing of these products in California’s Proposal65 database on BPA

International food contact compliance conference

Italian Institute of Packaging holds 4th International Conference on Food Contact Compliance on September 20-22, 2017 in Baveno, Italy; program and registration now online

Harmonizing national EU legislations on coatings

Belgian and Dutch authorities work on harmonized migration conditions for food contact coatings, invite industry associations for input

Industry opposes listing BPA as SVHC

Trade association PlasticsEurope files court action against ECHA for including bisphenol A in the list of substances of very high concern

BPA and PVC in U.S. food can coatings

New survey of food cans purchased from 4 U.S. retailers finds 33-52% to still contain bisphenol A, 17-25% contain polyvinylchloride; NGOs call on retailers and food brands to remove BPA and ensure safety of alternatives

Long-term migration from epoxy and acrylic-phenolic coatings

Scientists assess short- and long-term migration from epoxy and acrylic-phenolic can coatings into food simulants; standard migration protocols need to be modified to better predict migration after long-term storage

EFSA: 4th FIP network meeting on FCMs

EFSA’s Food Ingredients and Packaging Scientific Network held fourth meeting on food contact materials on February 16, 2017; discussions focused on coatings; interest group on evaluation of coatings formed