BPA-free does not mean EDC-free

Substituting chemicals of concern with alternatives of similar concern needs to be avoided

Non-BPA cans

Food company ConAgra removes BPA from its cans; non-profit organizations raise concern over safety of BPA-replacements and ask for removal of BPA from all food packaging

EDCs in paper and board food packaging

Danish researchers identify well-known and new EDCs in paper and board food packaging

Chemical substitutions with no regrets

US scientists discuss how “regrettable substitutions” may be avoided, intentional chemical design needed

Systematic review of BPS and BPF

In-depth review by Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX) concludes that bisphenol S and bisphenol F are as hormonally active as bisphenol A

Potential cardiac toxicity of BPS

New study links bisphenol S exposure to irregular heartbeats in female rats

ChemSec opinion: BPA is far from safe

ChemSec, the International Chemical Secretariat, is concerned with the media presentation of EFSA’s recent scientific opinion on BPA

New FPF report: Study shows endocrine activity of BPA analogs

Scientists demonstrate that bisphenol F and bisphenol S exhibit almost a comparable endocrine activity as bisphenol A

BPA and its alternative BPS may cause changes in brain development

The Washington Post reports on a new study showing BPA and BPS exposure to affect neurodevelopment in embryonic zebrafish

BPA substitute disrupts heart rhythm

New study on BPS toxicity presented at Endocrine Society annual meeting; finds BPS to disrupt heart rhythm in female rats