More evidence on hazard potential of BPA and BPS

Endocrine Society highlights 3 scientific studies investigating effects of bisphenol A and its common substitute bisphenol S on body weight, liver development, and breast cancer

BPA and analogues in paper and board

Scientists measure BPA and its analogues BPAF, BPB, BPE, BPF, BPS in virgin and recycled paper/board products; detect all but BPAF and BPB; BPA and BPS highest in recycled products, BPF and BPE content comparable

Estrogenic activity of BPA alternatives

Study assesses estrogenicity of bisphenol A and 6 bisphenol analogues in human breast cancer cell model; all bisphenols show estrogenic activity; 3 bisphenols more potent than BPA

EU working group on FCMs: New meeting minutes

EU Commission’s working group on FCMs discusses ex-post evaluation of FCM framework regulation, supply chain survey, EU measure on printed FCMs, plastic recycling, and monitoring of mineral oils in food and FCMs

Extranuclear actions of EDCs at low doses

Scientists review molecular mechanisms underlying low-dose actions of estrogenic EDCs, focusing on extranuclear signaling; BPA effects in pancreas and heart mediated through alpha, beta, and membrane-associated forms of estrogen receptor

Sulfated BPA a major metabolite in fetal blood

Scientists measure BPA metabolites and BPA alternatives in paired maternal and fetal cord blood; find low but significant levels of BPS; fetus’ level of total BPA metabolites higher than mother’s; BPA-sulfate higher than BPA-glucuronide

Bisphenols in coating of soda cans

Danish consumer council finds BPA, BPF and BADGE in coating lacquers of soda cans

BPS affects maternal behavior

Exposure of pregnant and lactating mice to human-exposure-relevant dose of bisphenol S (BPS) impairs maternal behavior, what can lead to lower offspring survival; behavioral effects also seen in daughters of exposed mice

BPA and BADGE in coconut milk cans

Five Nordic consumer organizations find BPA and BADGE in coating lacquer of coconut milk cans, but BPF and BPS were not detected

Coop Denmark to remove many chemicals of concern

Retailer Coop Denmark phases out 12 substances or groups of chemicals of concern from its own-brand products by the end of 2017