Bisphenol A and lead in mothers and children in Vienna and Bratislava

The Austrian study Um-MuKi (Environment, mother, child) found lead and bisphenol A in the blood of mothers and children in Bratislava and Vienna

French proposal for Bisphenol A ban enters another round

The French senate adopted a legal proposition which would ban Bisphenol A in food packaging designated for children under three years of age. All other packaging intended to come into contact with food would have to state that this product is not suitable for pregnant women and children under three. The amendments made by the senate require now adoption by the French National Assembly. 

Bisphenol A metabolite possibly more potent new study suggests

A new in silico study shows that the bisphenol A metabolite MBP has a higher affinity for both human estrogen receptors

IFT meeting prioritizes safety of food packaging

Safety of food packaging is a priority topic at the upcoming annual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) next July in Chicago, USA.

Urinary Bisphenol A levels in pregnant women linked to reduced thyroid stimulating hormone in newborn boys

A study investigating the association of maternal Bisphenol A levels with maternal and neonatal thyroid hormone levels finds an association between maternal urinary BPA and thyroid stimulating hormone levels in male neonates.

Human biomonitoring data from Europe to be released

The European Consortium for Human Biomonitoring COPHES will release human biomonitoring data from Europe in October 2012

CDC release updated human exposure data

CDC release updated human exposure data from NHANES on food contact substances

Health Canada: Bisphenol A from dietary exposure is safe

Health Canada reaffirmed its earlier conclusion that dietary exposure to Bisphenol A is not thought to pose a health risk

Belgium bans Bisphenol A for young children

Belgium adopted a ban of Bisphenol A in all food contact materials of products aimed at children under three.

Gain weight because of endocrine disruption?

A study by scientists from the New York University’s School of Medicine published in September 2012 found elevated levels of a common food contact substance, bisphenol A (BPA), to be associated with a higher risk for being overweight in children and adolescents. The study used nationally representative data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study collected in 6 to 19 year old US inhabitants. The study’s design does not permit conclusions regarding causation, however biological plausible explanations of how BPA may cause overweight or obesity do exist, making the study relevant and highlighting the need for further research.