BPA replacement also interferes with the endocrine system at low doses

New study shows that BPS, a BPA replacement, leads to cell proliferation at low doses and interferes with normal estradiol induced signaling pathways

Controversy about the safety of plastic food contact materials

A recently published review article by Korean researchers sparks a scientific debate on the safety of plastic food contact materials containing hormone active substances.

BPA during pregnancy affects thyroid function in newborn boys

First study to link maternal BPA exposure to neonatal thyroid function in male newborns but mechanisms remain unclear

France bans BPA and awaits European response

The French Senate definitively adopted the ban of BPA in all food contact materials by 2015 without modifications. Now the European Commission is required to respond to the law which is not in agreement with general European community law.

French BPA ban in food contact materials not approved of by industry

PlasticsEurope rejects new French bill banning BPA in direct food contact applications, starting January 2015. The bill is in conflict with existing European law and forces the EU Commission to act by either introducing the same measures in all of Europe, or taking legal action against France. A new scientific opinion by EFSA on BPA is expected in May 2013.

Nature: Linking obesity and Bisphenol A

Researcher reviews in the scientific journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology evidence of Bisphenol A causing obesity in children and adolescents .

Analysis of food-packaging migrants: Review of the state-of-the-art

A scientific review article published in the peer-reviewed journal Trends in Analytical Chemistry describes recent advances in the analysis of food packaging migrants.

EFSA meets national experts on Bisphenol A

EFSA met experts from member states to  listen to recent scientific work on the risk assessment of Bisphenol A in the areas of human exposures, BPA levels in food, analytical methods and toxicity

DEMOCOPHES: mothers and children exposed to harmful chemicals from food packaging

The EU study DEMOCOPHES measures environmental contaminants such as phthalates in hair and urine of mothers and children

EFSA to meet member states’ experts on BPA

On the 29 and 30 October EFSA will meet national experts to discuss information on previous and ongoing work on the safety assessment of bisphenol A