Documentary on EDCs in food packaging

New documentary explains endocrine disruption, highlights presence of endocrine disruptors in food packaging, presents possible solutions to reduce exposure

“New” endocrine disruptors identified

Danish researchers produce list of 9 “new” endocrine disrupting chemicals identified according to EU EDC criteria; some substances relevant for food contact

Businesses’ approach to safer chemicals

Fourth edition of Chemical Watch’s “Business guide to safer chemicals” highlights work by Coop Denmark and Sherwin-Williams to replace bisphenol A and other hazardous chemicals in food packaging

EFSA BPA reevaluation: 2nd meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel Working Group on BPA safety reevaluation holds 2nd meeting; minutes available online

FPF Workshop 2018: Improving chemical safety by new science

Presentations at Food Packaging Forum 2018 workshop cover predictive toxicology, computational methodologies, green chemistry


U.S. National Toxicology Program publishes final report on CLARITY-BPA core study and releases primary data from academic studies; joint report integrating findings from both research lines expected in fall 2019

Regulatory relevance of nonmonotonic responses

Scientists discuss different cases of nonmonotonic dose-response curves and their relevance for regulatory decision-making; nonmonotonicity occurring at low doses challenges current approach to determining low-dose ‘safe’ exposure levels from high-dose toxicity testing

EFSA BPA reevaluation: 1st meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel Working Group on BPA safety reevaluation holds 1st meeting; minutes available online

EFSA conference 2018: Human health

Presentations at EFSA conference 2018 address advances and challenges in human health risk assessment; NTP official confirms that there will be a third CLARITY-BPA report integrating academic and regulatory studies

Human health impacts of dietary BPA exposure

Scientists review sources and levels of dietary exposure to bisphenol A, discuss health risks in exposed populations, call for targeted risk assessments in sensitive populations such as pregnant women and children