Conference on biobased packaging

“Biobased Packaging 2015” will take place in May 2015 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Detailed online tool on bioplastics

German organic food association publishes decision-making support tool for food producers

Chitosan as a sustainable alternative for food packaging

New study uses chitosan-coatings made from shrimp shells to increase shelf-life of baby carrots

Novel photodegradable bioplastics

U.S. researchers synthesize renewable polymeric materials, light-induced degradation occurs in three hours

New bioplastic materials from agro-waste

Chemical properties comparable to conventional plastics

Bioplastics market trends and challenges

Food contact bioplastics expected to grow contiuously

Biobased, not biodegradable

Consultant argues for biobased but not biodegradable packaging solutions, considers biodegradability inefficient


Types, applications, toxicity and regulation of bioplastics used in food contact materials

PEF: New food contact polymer on the horizon

Polyethylene furanoate (PEF) set to take PET market share, approval for food contact use pending

Extending the use of bioplastics in food packaging

New study reviews the application of bioplastics in food packaging: coating, blending and chemical/physical modification can improve functionality, migration issues still to be resolved