Carton-based water bottle

Companies Tetra Pak and JUST Water launch beverage carton water bottle made largely from bio-based materials

European Bioplastics Conference 2016

European Bioplastics hosts annual conference on November 29-30, 2016 in Berlin, Germany

Joint venture for FDCA and PEF production

Companies BASF and Avantium join forces for large scale production of FDCA and promotion of PEF as an alternative to conventional plastics

Protein-based food packaging reviewed

Scientists review the use of proteins in production of food packaging, discuss main protein sources, manufacturing methods, improvement strategies and future prospects

Green packaging market update

Study expects market for green packaging to grow at more than 7% for 2016-2020; food packaging holds market share of 54%

Bioplastics made from fructose

Companies DuPont and Archer Daniels Midland develop chemical process to convert fructose into building block for biobased packaging polymers

UNEP concerned about biodegradable plastics

Report by the United Nations Environment Program judges biodegradable plastics to deflect from problem of plastic ocean pollution

Healthy ingredients for a circular economy

European Bioplastics hosts 10th annual conference in Berlin, Germany; circular economy, materials and products, as well as sustainable land use discussed


Biobased polymers and biodegradable plastics are both referred to as bioplastics. In contrast to non-degradable petrol-based plastics, materials such as starch-based polymers and polylactides are biobased and compostable under controlled conditions. Types, applications, toxicity and regulation of biobased polymers and biodegradable plastic used in food contact materials are summarized in the dossier.  

Eco-friendly bioplastics

Plastic Fantastic Challenge seeks disruptive business solutions to produce environmentally friendly bioplastics and tackle plastic waste problem