P&P: Plastics track

Plastics track of Smithers Pira 2016 conference “Plastics & Paper in contact with foodstuffs” covers developments in sorting and recycling techniques, bioplastics, migration analysis, risk assessment of NIAS, and FCM packaging compliance

Opportunities and limitations of bioplastics

11th European Bioplastics conference in Berlin, Germany discusses the role of bioplastics in the circular economy, presents new food packaging applications

Rethinking plastics

European Bioplastics conference 2016 discusses role of bioplastics in the circular economy, efficient waste management, as well as the latest technological innovations

French ban on disposable plastic tableware

New rule on single-use plastics in France: plates, cutlery, cups to consist of at least 50% biobased materials by 2020

Food packaging made from milk protein

Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture develop biodegradable and edible packaging film made from the milk protein casein; applications include single-serve wrappers and pouches

More eco-friendly takeaway containers

Bangkok Post informs about a community campaign encouraging food vendors in Bangkok to use bio-based, biodegradable food containers instead of styrofoam and other plastic packaging

EP: Draft report on packaging and waste

European Parliament proposes amendments to directive on packaging and packaging waste; food packaging could be replaced with bio-based, biodegradable and compostable products

Nanoparticles in FCMs: Benefits and limitations

Scientists discuss the use of nanoparticles in food packaging materials, focusing on gaps in knowledge on their migration, toxicity, influence on biopolymer degradability

Start of new plastics economy initiative

New Plastics Economy initiative launched by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation kicks off with inaugural workshop

Crosslinking in polysaccharide and protein polymers

Scientists review crosslinking agents used for polysaccharide and protein films and coatings intended for food contact; crosslinking improves polymer properties such as water resistance; potential migration and toxicity of crosslinkers need consideration