Compostable bioplastic coffee cups

UK company develops disposable bio-based coffee cups and lids; recyclable in paper waste stream or fully compostable within 3 months under appropriate conditions

Sweet potato and thyme used for bio-packaging film

U.S. scientists develop nanocomposite film from sweet potato starch, thyme essential oil, and nanoclay; potential applications include packaging of fresh fruits and vegetables

Forums on sustainability of plastics

Plasticity Forums to discuss sustainable end-of-life solutions for plastics on April 21 and May 9, 2017 in Texas and California, respectively; registration available online

Sustainable packaging: Experts discuss strategies

SOLPACK 2.0 informs about recycling issues, bio-based and biodegradable materials, as well as alternative fiber-based packaging materials

The future of the PET industry

Petcore Europe annual conference looks at opportunities and challenges for PET in the circular economy; conference proceedings now available

EU environment committee adopts waste legislation

EU Parliament’s Environment Committee amends legislative package on waste management; sets 80% target for recycling and reusing packaging waste for 2030

EC: Strategy on plastics in circular economy

EU commission publishes roadmap for strategy on plastics in a circular economy; aims to decouple plastics production from fossil fuels, boost recycling and reuse, and reduce leakage into the environment

Bioplastics not a solution to plastic pollution

NGOs publish position paper on bioplastics in circular economy, conclude bioplastics not able to solve problems with conventional plastics, call to reduce use of all plastics

Conference on polyolefins

Annual summit on the future of polyolefins to take place on January 18-19, 2017 in Amsterdam

Plastic bags: More bans and bans on bans

City of Paris announces ban of non-bioplastic bags in supermarkets; Michigan state government forbids local plastic bag bans