News Article

European Plastics Pact launched

Public-private partnership sets targets for signatories by 2025; includes designing all packaging to be re-useable or at least recyclable, reducing virgin plastics by 20%, increasing recycling by 25%, having 30% recycled content

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The Story of Plastic documentary premiers

New documentary follows the life cycle of plastics, interviewing stakeholders across five countries; screenings scheduled at film festivals in the U.S., discussions underway for widespread distribution

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Opinion: EDC criteria ‘flawed’

HEAL director discusses why recently adopted EU EDC criteria are insufficient to ease public health burden resulting from exposure to EDCs; calls on European Parliament to reject ‘flawed’ criteria

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ECHA proposes BPA for authorization

ECHA recommends 18 substances to be subject to authorization; list includes bisphenol A and other chemicals relevant for food contact materials; public consultation open until December 5, 2018